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Jeu Barbis Russian Winter

Barbis Russian Winter

This gaming website is available in: English.

Description du jeu "Barbis Russian Winter" :
Fur is very classy and it's the kind of trend that never dies. Another great thing about fur is that it keeps you warm even in the coldest day, especially when you are experiencing the Russian winter. Check out these designer clothes and help Barbi find an appropriate outfit for a snowy winter day. There are many creative ways to wear a fur, so make sure you use your imagination and fashion designer senses. Barbi loves fur items and she is right: they are glam, stylish and very trendy this time of the year. Combine those furry clothes in order to create a furry outfit for this sweet girl. She is preparing to take a long walk in the park so mix and match fur coats, with leather gloves or furry hand warmers. Don't forget to accessorize with high heeled boots, glamorous jewelries and some luscious blonde locks: her hairstyle signature. Enjoy this Barbie dress up games!

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